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NARRATIVE: Who Was He Talking About?

Who Was He Talking About?
Written by Anna Gaisha, form 11b

  It was December. 10 am. I woke up. Freezing Iowa winter had eventually come. The 84th Street was full of purely white snow that covered roofs and porches of the decorated houses in our neighborhood. Men were banging and pounding with their shovels, trying to clear their cars from snow. I opened my window and breathed in fresh morning air. After my usual non-exciting morning routine and after putting on the coziest sweater I found, I came downstairs to eat some breakfast with my host dad. The rest of the family had gone to the neighboring city, so there were only two of us. The TV and fireplace were on; sweet warm pancakes were on the dining table… My host father was casually sitting on the couch, updating his Facebook page, occasionally peering out the window. What a typical beginning of the weekend! But today something was different. He was not smiling. Even his friendly“Good morning, Anna. Did you sleep well?”, did not help him to hide disappointment and anger.

  - What happened? Are you ok? - I asked nervously.
- Actually, - he started, - I am not. There was some kind of accident last night… I've HAD ENOUGH! I'll never help anyone again! I'm too kindhearted, or I'm too stupid. Yesterday it was extremely freezing out so, I took a man into our home out of the kindness of our heart. I felt so sorry for him. The poor thing was just standing in the neighbor’s yard trembling out in the cold…
I stared at my host father, frozen in disbelief. Oh, Gosh… I could not realize that while I was calmly sleeping, there was a freaking stranger right in the next room! Weird feeling…
- So, - host dad continued, - I made a nice warm bed for him in the living room right next to the fireplace but this morning, when I woke up there was no trace of him, he had just vanished. Not a word...not even a goodbye or a thank you for sheltering him! I was absolutely confused.
- The last straw was when I saw a giant puddle next to the fireplace. That's the thank you I get for being good to people? Now I'm going to warn my friends to watch out for this man!

  In a moment he shared a new post on his Facebook page, describing this guy:
“He is white, heavy set, wearing nothing but a scarf and an old top hat, he has a nose that looks like a carrot, two eyes as black as coal, and his arms are so skinny that they look like sticks!!! Don't bring him into your house!! What a huge mess he made on the floor”.

  You have already understood who was he talking about, right? When this story finally became clear I burst out laughing and continued until I split my sides with laughter. Eventually, I started eating my favorite American pancakes.