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NARRATIVE: Favourite Creature

My Favourite Creature in the World
Written by Julia Tsvetkova, 11B

  “Oh, my God! What is this?” wondered my father gazing at the kitten. My mother and I were woken up by this exclamation.

  The night before my mother and I were returning home from our friend’s wedding. My brother had stayed at my grandparents because he was little and he would interrupt. My father had not come with us because of his work. He should be at home the next morning. That’s why my mother and I had been the only representatives of our familly. So, it was brilliant night, the leaves on the trees calmly rustled and it was neither cold nor hot. Perfect weather for a stroll! There were no cars, which usually hoot in congestion and make you feel annoyed. Only occasionally cars with twinkling headlights drove by breaking this harmony. We were in two quarters from our house, when I noticed a miniature kitten. It was so beautiful that I could not pass this fantastic creature. It looked at me and I understood that I must take this charm to our home. Besides, this animal was very tender and intelligent. It began to grumble and rub against my legs and my mother’s legs. I still could not grasp why Mom let me pick up this kitten, because my parents had been worried about new repair in new apartement and they had been against animals in flat. All in all, that night was a night of wonders, as I eventually took this kitten home.

  When we reached our home, I fed my kitten with milk and some piece of sauseges. It made conversation with new home and during all night it kept my pace. The next morning, when Dad returned home from official journey, he was met by the new habitant of our flat. It made him feel stunned, of course. After the kitten my mother and I crawled out from the rooms. Even word “amazed” was not enough to describe Dad’s facial expression. He stared at us, then at the kitten, then at us, then at the kitten again. We guiltily murmured “This is a little kitten and it will live with us”. At that moment it dashed to my father and began to rub against his legs. Father became more loyal and let it live with us.

  Every time we tell this story to somebody we still laugh. Everyone who hears this story begins to laugh too. This kitten has been living with us more than one year and all my familly adores it. I am very glad that I have got a marvelous cat.