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NARRATIVE: Hello, Tokyo

Hello, Tokyo
Written by Sofia Nedbay, 11b

  Have you ever been to Tokyo? I’ve been and you cannot imagine that the journey was much more interesting and exciting than the work there.

  The weather outside was gorgeous bright morning sunlight shone trough my bedroom window when I heard my flat mate Kristina hysterically yelling, “Oh gosh, look at the time!” We hurriedly packed our things and dashed to the train station. But that was only the beginning.

  My friend and I heard a thin and honeyed female voice, “Show me your tickets please” and started to search for them. Then everybody gazed at me as I was nervously going through my bag. I immediately turned pale, broke into a cold sweat and made my way urgently back home when realized, that had left there these super expensive tickets. Eventually, I got them and arrived to the station, buuuuuuuuuut, I had time only to get a glimpse of my train. Unfortunately, I missed it and waited for two long hours for another one. Banging, crackling, creaking, hooting, howling and other terrible sounds made me feel extremely annoyed. Guess what was later? Tokyo affably met me with heavy everlasting rain. After I had been wandering along the streets of this entirely wonderful but gigantic city, I eventually came to the hotel wringing wet and shivering. You can possible imagine how relieved and totally exhausted I was at that moment.

  That could have been the end of the story, but it wasn't. I calmly strolled to my friend’s room to tell all the hilarious story. And at 2 a.m. everyone on our floor could hear my disappointed moaning and Kristina’s sarcastically giggling as I left my key-card inside of my room.