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Ira Stepanova, 11b: “I know the Right Decision.”

  Have you ever thought that other people can do what they want if they do not hurt anyone? Well, I think so. I can answer the question "Should gay marriages be legalized?" easily. To my mind, definitely yes. The way I see it, there is no point in arguing about this. Love is love. We are all humans, we all have our own rights, and we should be able to do what makes us happy, not what makes other people happy. If two people love each other and want to get married they should be allowed to do so regardless of the color, religion, nationality or sex of their partner. You do not choose who you love. Just stop and imagine if you couldn't marry someone with whom you are truly in love. It's not fair at all. Marriage is a human right, and not a heterosexual privilege. Referring to the Hendrik Hertzbergs’ quote: "Marriage should be between a spouse and a spouse, not a gender and a gender".

  The first point I would like to raise is that couples like that have already become the part of our reality. Opponents of equality frequently make use of flawed researches to insinuate that allowing same-sex couples to marry will somehow harm children. They argue that children need a “mom and a dad” in order to flourish in life and that legalizing same-sex marriage denies children this opportunity of “normalcy”. But what about families with no “mom” or “dad”? During the wars, there were a lot of kids, raised only by mother and for example grandmother and I don’t really see serious psychological problems in those kids. They were raised even without a “normal” family but with LOVE. That’s the point actually. Children don’t need parents of different sex if they are not loving, caring persons. Being a parent includes a lot of things you need to know how to deal with, a lot of characteristics you need to have. It doesn’t matter who will raise a child, if he/she is save, happy and loved. Multiple studies across the social sciences have repeatedly demonstrated that there is no difference in psychosocial outcomes between children raised by opposite-sex couples and those raised by same-sex couples. There is no evidence that children are psychologically harmed by having two dads or two moms. And it actually will help to solve you of the greatest problems in our world. Orphans and adoption. Gay marriages will increase the chances for thousands of foster children to gain loving parents and families. The thought that two men or two women cannot raise a child as well as one man and one woman is absurd. Only because of these couples aren’t married many children can’t have a loving family. That’s horrible. Most adoption agencies discriminate against gay couples and make it incredibly difficult for them to adopt children. By legalizing gay marriage in ALL countries, adoption agencies will be forced to grant the same respect and right to homosexual couples. Just because gay people can’t have children naturally they will adopt them. Children will be happy, problem will be solved.

  Not to mention the fact that gay marriage will have no effect on heterosexual community. If you think that sexual orientation is a choice, I’ll ask you to think again. In most cases open gays are subjected to violence, others do not understand and ignore them for actually NO REASON. A good choice a person could make – constantly living in fear of being thrown on the street, bullied or beaten. I can agree with the fact that it can be changed after any strong emotional experiences, but this is not a choice. Back to the point, I don’t think that you or your children can actually change the sex of people you love just by seeing a person who is gay. That’s impossible. If you see two boys or two girls kissing and you want to do the same, congratulations, you are not straight. The only thing I want to say that if your child is strong enough and trust you enough to come out to you, you have no right to break his/her trust by hurting them physically or morally. I’ll repeat it again: it is not a choice.

  Opponents of this view say that it's against their religion. One of the major reasons that gay marriage is currently illegal is due to the religious interpretation that "homosexuality is a sin". Legalizing this would offend deeply their held beliefs. Christian, Jewish and Islamic leaders have all spoken out against gay marriage and point out that it runs counter to sacred writings. Such a religious perspective should have no place in federal, legal matters. Let’s separate church and state. The Ten Commandments do not define our legal system, so why does the religious argument "marriage is the union between a man and a women" keep so many gay couples from becoming legally married? Legalizing gay marriage will have no negative impact on religion and/or the religious view of others, just as religion should not have any impact on the issue of gay marriage. Historically, some cultures and religions accommodated or revered same-sex love and sexuality; such mythologies and traditions can be found around the world. For example, Hinduism does not view homosexuality as a religious sin. In 2009, the Hindu Council UK released the statement "Hinduism does not condemn homosexuality". The Sikh holy scriptures The Guru Granth Sahib, teaches tolerance, equality and acceptance of all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexuality. Sikh wedding ceremonies are non-gender specific and so same-sex marriage is possible within Sikhism.

  All things considered, after hours of studying different material, I still do not see the reasons why gay marriages shouldn’t be legalized. Even though to most people gay marriage should be illegal and should stay in its current state, I believe we need to change the world for future generations. Evolution will always continue and at any given point in time, something will occur that we will not like in this world, but we can overcome this. Gay marriage is a controversial issue that people have been fighting for years and it has finally come to the surface. We just should be more tolerant and understanding. Love is love.