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SHERLOCK HOLMES CLUB: Investigation Report

Investigation Report
Investigator: Anna Gaysha

Investigation case: murder of George Henderson
Victim’s age: 45
Victim’s occupation: businessman
Place of murder: the library of the victim’s mansion
Time of murder: 10:21 pm
Way of murder: stab in the back
Murder weapon: not found

All potential suspects have been interviewed and are listed as follows:

Name: Roy Smith
Relation to the victim: the butler

Name: Charles Henderson
Relation to the victim: the nephew

Name: Claudine Dupont
Relation to the victim: the maid

Name: Charlotte Henderson
Relation to the victim: ex-wife


The documents and other evidence that were reviewed are listed as follows:

  • Mr. Henderson’s will
  • Prenuptial agreement of Mr. and Mrs. Henderson
  • Recent receipts and bills of all suspects 
  • Online history all history of recent phone calls of all suspects


Findings and facts

Charlotte Henderson
Status: justified

Charlotte Henderson stated that she was at the home of Henderson’s lawyer. It was proved so that she has unquestioned alibi (the cameras at the lawyer’s living room recorded that Mrs. Henderson was there from 9:40 pm to 10:30 pm). Her bank account showed that she went to the grocery store on the Kingsway at 10:50 pm.

Roy Smith
Status: justified

Roy Smith was watching a documentary on TV channel 3 from 9:30 to 10:30 pm at the kitchen of the victim’s house.

Dubious alibi: The witness Claudine Dubont confirmed this fact, as she was washing dishes and baking a pie at the same time. Roy Smith was considered to be a loyal employee for 20 years. Recently he got a second job (a waiter in the Olive Garden at 24th Street) to earn more money for his mother’s surgery. His employer confirmed that. The butler did not have motive to murder George Henderson.

Unquestioned alibi: Mr. Smith sent a text message to his mother saying “How are you doing? I’ll visit you tomorrow, love you” at 10:21 pm (exact time of murder).

Claudine Dupont
Status: unjustified. Unintentional accomplice

Claudine Dupont was baking a pie and washing breakfast dishes in the kitchen from 9 to 10:30 pm. However, she stated that she was washing supper dishes, as her stress level was extremely high during the interrogation. She confessed in dating Charles Henderson (the nephew of the victim). Basing on her phone calls history, Charles called her at 10:09. The call was lasted for 1 minute 13 seconds. The witness Ray Smith added, that after the phone call Claudine asked him to watch the pie in the oven for a few minutes, and she left the kitchen. She came back to the kitchen at 10:15 pm. The hand prints on the entrance door and the suspect herself explained that Charles Henderson asked Claudine to open the door saying, that he needed to get his stuff from the guest’s room that he forgot one week ago. Being obsessed with him, Ms. Dupont immediately gave him a favor without asking any additional questions.

She was brought to the court where the verdict will be reached.

Charles Henderson
Status: guilty

Charles Henderson lied that he was watching sports on TV Channel 3 form 9 to 10:30 pm, but according to the channel program the documentary was shown. Charles deleted his phone call history and it was a suspicious decision. He did not have an access to the uncle’s house, but Ms Dupont helped him to get in. Charles did have a motive to kill his uncle, because two days ago they had a conflict, when George said that he can cut Charles out form the will due to his bad habits and behavior. According to the will, Charles would be given Ferrari 488, country house in Switzerland and 500.000.000 bill. Charles decided to accelerate the process of the death to make sure that he will get everything that was promised. Finally, Charles bank account showed that one day ago ( a day after their conflict) Charles spent $320 USD buying a brand new professional knife with blade length 3 ½ inches from “Camouflage” store at the Crossroad Street.

After two hour interrogation the suspect confessed in murdering George Henderson.

The offender was kept in custody until his final term of imprisonment will be announced.