Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

THE MOST POISONOUS ANIMAL: Researched by Luba Popkova, 5d


There are many animals on the Earth. There are mammals – they have babies and feed then on milk – they are dolphins, kangaroos, koalas, cows, lions. There are reptiles – they lay eggs but they can't fly – they are alligators, crocodiles, snakes. There are insects – they are small creatures with 2 pairs of wings and 6 legs – they are flies, butterflies, ladybirds. They are birds – they lay eggs and usually can fly – they are geese, owls, parrots, eagles. There are fish, they are sharks and others fish.

There are many small creatures on our planet. I want to tell you about amphibian. It is the most poisonous animal. The most poisonous amphibians are tree-frogs. You will ask - Why? The local call it “Kokoi”. One tree-frog can give poison for 50 arrows; 2 milligrams can kill one person. Father tree-frog almost always releases children in such a pond where other tadpoles of tree-frogs of older age already live. And this is very, very dangerous. These frogs are cannibals, so the elders can eat junior.

Tree frogs weigh from 5 grams to 20 grams. Their legs are 5 centimeters long. They live in tropical forests in Australia and India. They live in small groups. They eat small insects, leaves and those of them which live in lakes are cannibals. They live for about 15 years, but when people need their poison they live for about 3 or 4 years.

Amphibians have very multi-coloured skin. Of course, they haven't got beak, feathers, wings. They also have back and front pawsand stripes or spots. All amphibians are colorful. Their eyes are red, white, yellow, blue, pink, black. Amphibians can swim, jump, dive, climb and see at night very well.

I think that amphibians are very strange. They are very beautiful, but very dangerous.