Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Alina Kovalenko, 9C

Overwhelmed With Feelings
By Alina Kovalenko, 9C

  Among the teachers who have taught me through my school life Tatyana Leonidovna is the one I admire most. She has been teaching me the Ukrainian language and literature for four years.

I’ll never forget the first time I met her. It happened in 2014 when we entered grammar school; I remembered this day for the whole life. We were overwhelmed with feelings; everyone was both excited and scared at the same time. After the first bell, we were brought to our classroom, the first lesson was the Ukrainian language taught by our form mistress Tatyana Leonidovna. I took to her at once. It wasn’t long before I realized how organized and supportive she was. Since that time my first impression has not changed, I got to know her closer and I can say with confidence that Tatyana Leonidovna is a creative teacher with unimaginable energy. I respect her for the fact that I can turn to her for help at any time.

I strongly believe that good relationships are the key to effective learning and if students respect the teacher they will do their best to learn the subject. Tatyana Leonidovna is a very open person, she gives students a lot of support and praise. At the lessons she doesn’t just explain the topic, but also to shares experience. She never yells at the disciples, but if you break something, she can lecture you. It seems to me that she has no favorites, for this we respect her. Tatyana Leonidovna is never indifferent to us, she always helps us with difficulty.

I always look forward to her lessons. The atmosphere at her lessons is gorgeous. It seems to me that each of the students feels the pleasant atmosphere that she creates in her lessons. Tatyana Leonidovna always prepares for us some interesting presentations. If you do not understand something you can always ask her and she will help you. Tatyana Leonidovna is one of the few teachers who can devote a little of her time to explain something to you. You never get bored in her lessons because she always gives you some interesting tasks and makes you wonder. She will never assign tasks that she did not explain; she always gives time to revise before the tests.

I feel fortunate to be taught by Tatyana Leonidovna. She gave me vast knowledge of the Ukrainian language and literature. But what is more important, she made a great impact on my personality and shaped my character. I will always be grateful to her for all the moments she has spent with our class, for all those unforgettable trips, for all the nerves she has spent on us.