Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Andrew Chernenko, 8c

by Andrew Chernenko, 8c

  Jake and Bill had been friends since childhood. They went to the same kindergarten in the same school together. After that, their paths parted, Jake became a journalist, and Bill was taken into the Army. Twenty years later, Bill was in good standing with the Canadian Army and even had his own small arms business. One cold winter day, when he was sitting in his office, the bell rang. Bill once again thought that he was being offered to buy some goods, picking up the phone, he wanted to yell at the seller, but when he heard an old familiar voice - "Hello, this is Jake" - Bill's face immediately changed to a slight smile. “Haven’t heard from you for quite a while,” answered Bill, he was definitely glad to hear his old friend. Jake told him a story about a terrible monster that lived in the Alberta Mountains which he was going to catch, explaining that thanks to the exposure of this myth they would become known, but he needed a partner. For the sake of their old friendship, Bill agreed, the meeting was scheduled in the town of Edmonton, not far from the forest.

  Having met in this deserted city (because of the monster), they went inland in search of it. During the trip, they recalled the past years and thought how everything could have happened if it were not for the army. They reached the forest only late at night, in any case, their expedition was for at least 4 days. Having reached a fabulously beautiful clearing, they set up a camp to spend the night. Surprisingly, Jake slept soundly, but Bill could not fall asleep, after lying there for several hours, he went out on reconnaissance. Taking only a flashlight with him, he had walked about 10 meters away when he heard the crunch of a dry branch. Turning around, he saw nothing, but the sounds became louder and louder, in panic he began to walk slowly and carefully to the tent, but something touched him on the shoulder, Bill turned around and hit something as it turned out it was Jay already with a bruise under his eye who had been searching for him. Upon their return, it was already daylight; having collected their things, they moved to that suspicious place from which terrible sounds emanated. Since Bill was an experienced military man, he saw huge footprints; his assumption was that it was a bear. They followed the trail all day, tired and hungry; they set up a full-fledged camp. Sitting by a warm fire, they dined. Bill and Jake were about to sleep, but this time they both failed. Something tore their tent to shreds. Jake was speechless from fear, and Bill grabbing the gun took Jake by the hand and they began to run. After about 400 meters, the forces dried up. Realizing that they had lost all supplies, they took refuge in a small depression in the ground. It was damp and wet, but somehow they slept. In the morning they decided to check the camp when they got closer they split up, but unfortunately Jake got lost. Bill heard his screams and found him pretty quickly, the monster was standing behind him, and it was two times bigger than Jake. At that moment, Bill shouted - "Let's run!" and they rushed wherever they looked.

  Taking refuge in the clearing, they walked around the monster. “So you got caught,” Bill said, aiming at him with the gun and slowly pulling the trigger; a loud shot rang out. The monster disappeared in an instant. They went to that gloomy place, it turned out that Bill had hurt him very badly because there was a large pool of blood in the snow. Following the trail that stretched for several hundred meters, they saw a huge carcass that was no longer breathing. Jake immediately took a bunch of photos from his smartphone. And Bill had only one question, why hadn’t he told before that he had a phone!

  In the late afternoon, hungry but happy Bill and Jake came out of the ill-fated forest of the Albert Mountains.

  Literally a few days later, these two were talked about on television in many countries, many were grateful to them for the capture of such a frightening monster.