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IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Kseniia Hrasman, 8c

by Kseniia Hrasman, 8c

Paula was looking out of the window. It was dark and wet outside. Big raindrops were running the glass. Then she saw them and gasped in horror. Two thin, white creatures were walking toward the window. Her hands began to shake as she realized that their eyes were staring right into hers. Paula turned and ran to her bedroom, she entered a room, went to her desk and took a piece of paper. Two white thin creatures, so similar to creatures she had already seen were drawn there. Paula sighed in surprise.


Paula had grown up and lived in a little cozy house near the forest. Every morning she was walking through forest. In the morning before a contact she was also there, the weather was perfect: warm air and cloudless skies. Paula was listening to the rustling of leaves. Suddenly she saw that something white was lying on the grass. She picked it up and understood: it was a piece of paper with a picture on it. Two strange thin, white creatures were drawn there; Paula was extremely puzzled. Then she turned it over and saw a note. “If you are reading this letter, you can probably save us. Take it home and wait for us.”


Now Paula was sitting on the floor in the bedroom, remembering the morning, trying to find a solution. Finally, she decided to call a police:

- Hello, St. Maurice police station, - said a policeman.
- Hello, I’m Paula Collins. Green Street 36, it’s close to a forest. Help me. I’m in dan…, - her phone turned off.

Suddenly, the felt cold, like someone had opened a window, but window was closed. The door was closed too, however one of the white shapes came into a room. In a second another one entered the room too. Paula was shivering, her eyes were wide opened. They seem really weird and scary: creatures were just outlines, completely white, only their eyes were blue.

- What?... What do you need? - whispered Paula.
- You called us, that’s why we are here. We were watching you, - answered one of them.
- When we have written a message, we needed help, now you can do nothing, - explained another. – we are not dangerous, - he added.

Their voices sounded so quiet.

- Anyway, I have called a police, - said Paula loudly. Now she wasn’t afraid, just wary. One of the shapes laughed:
- Do you really believe, they will come? We had believed, before Soules attacked us, and they didn’t come.
- They came honestly, in an hour, however they came too late, after monsters had transformed us, - added another.
Paula understood nothing, she thought they were insane, if monsters could be insane. Who were Souls? Why were they going to attack? She looked into a window and flashing blue and red lights on the road. “Police”, - she thought. - “It’s police. I’m saved.”.
- Okay, if you are going to kill me, I don’t mind. Probably, nothing can save me now, - creatures looked at each other, but answered nothing. - Let’s go downstairs, I need a cup of tea to calm down.

They followed her. She hoped police will help her. After she walked down, she heard muffled voices from outdoors.

- Stop, - this quiet voice belonged to one of the creatures. – police is in the street.
Paula decided not to listen to him. They couldn’t stop her, they were incorporeal. However, one the creatures decided to try: he touched Paula and his hand went through her hand. She felt an unpleasant sensation, like someone had put a piece of ice into her hand. She shouted:
- Help me, please! I’m inside!

In the next moment few things happened. At first something had crashed, in a long 10 seconds she heard many voices, then someone shot. Paula hid behind a kitchen island and covered her ears with her hands. Someone shot again. Someone shouted:

- You’re an idiot, Ben. They are immaterial. Take a special weapon.

After someone had used a special weapon (probably they did it, Paula heard and felt nothing), someone screamed, screamed, like that someone felt terrible pain. Paula cried: she was scared to death. Then any sounds went away, any people and creatures too: Paula fainted.


Paula opened her eyes and immediately closed them, she could only see blinding white lights. The room smelled with rubbing alcohol. She heard rustling, then hissing, then – a voice, man’s voice, she understood:

- Sorry, you may open your eyes, I turned the light off.

After she had opened eyes, she saw a young man with shiny brown eyes and fairy hair. Paula looked around, she found herself in a completely white room with white walls, white floor, white ceiling and white furniture. The room was also very clean, with no mote. Paula asked:
- Where am I?
- It’s like hospital, - answered man, he didn’t look at her.
- LIKE hospital? What does it mean? – Paula was puzzled.
- Here we treat people who will transform into a Soul soon, - he explained.
- Soul? – Paula was sure, she had heard it before. Yes! White creatures called someone Souls.
- White creatures you’ve seen were Souls. It’s a disease, it makes person change the body, but not to lose soul. Don’t worry! We know how to save you. It’s a secret project, but I can tell you truth. I don’t think you will remember something, - he smiled. Then stood up and left the room.

In the evening (Paula thought, it was evening, there were no clocks and windows in the room) a woman entered her room, she was holding a glass of water and a box with a pill:

- Paula, you should eat a pill and drink this water to fight a disease, - she smiled. ‘’Why are they all smiling? It’s weird. ‘’ – thought Paula, however she had taken a box with a little round red pill in it and followed the instructions.


Paula had woken up in her bed in her morning, then she went downstairs. Her house seemed empty and strange. She remembered, for example, that she had broken a door of the wardrobe last year, but now it was unharmed. The strangest thing was that all morning she felt like someone had put a piece of ice on her hand and she can’t take it off. Paula decided not to think about it. She entered her bedroom, sat at her table and suddenly saw a strange painting of two white creatures.