EXEMPLARY WORK: BOOK REVIEW by Alina Kovalenko, 10c

How To Be British
Written by Alina Kovalenko, 10c

I have recently read the book under the title The HOW TO BE BRITISH collection. The book was written by Martyn Ford and Peter Legon. The scene is laid in Great Britain.

This book tells about what rules every tourist should know, and what kind of character the British have, their rules of life, their home life ... I also learned a lot of interesting facts about the British, about how tea appeared in their culture, how to prepare Fish and Chips, how they drive on the roads, the rules of greeting and even how they sleep. I liked the following chapters most: 9, 21, 24 because in my opinion they are the most interesting. Chapter 9 Pronunciation. This topic is very interesting because thanks to it you can develop your diction, and learn to speak English correctly and quickly. If you learn at least a couple of these tongue twisters, then your speech will be more melodic. Because the main thing – it is not important what you say if other people cannot understand you.

КРУЧЕ ВСЕХ 2018-2019


  • Viktoria Kravchenko
  • Sofiya Senchina
  • Ivan Onischenko
  • Sofiya Nedbay
  • Alex Bobrova
  • Angelina Dikina


ПЕРЕМОГА: Призери олімпіад

Вітаю Недбай Софію з ІІ місцем у міський олімпіаді з англійської мови.


Great masterpieces of art – TOWER BRIDGE by Anhelina Dikina, 9a and WAR OF WORLDS by Alex Bobrova, 9c definitely made our lessons brighter.

Great thanks!!!

OUR ACHIEVEMENTS: poetry contest winners

Alexandra Bobrova, 9c was awarded the three prizes for the translations of “ДЕ Є ЛЮБОВ - ТАМ ТЕМРЯВИ НЕМА” by Lina Kostenko, “СТРАННО” by Igor Severyanin and “БЕЛОЙ НОЧЬЮ” by Anna Ahmatova.

The third prize for the translation of Scheherazadeby Richard Siken is awarded to Lisa Streseva, 9c

Sincere congratulations and don’t forget to get the money prize from the school fund!!!


Very professional translations were presented by

  • Sofia Nedbay, 9a
  • Egor Shulga, 9a
  • Alice Holovchenko, 9a
  • Kate Korolenko, 9a
  • Alina Kovalenko, 9c
  • Liza Parnak, 9c

The most enthusiastic translator is Andrew Kihtenko, 9a, who translated all the four poems.

Good luck next year!!!