Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

Relationships Hotline: Diana Nedbay, 10b

Diana Nedbay, 10b

I want to tell you about my impressions and feelings after my this summer’s trip to China. This year from 5th of August till 5th of October I was working in China in cozy and not so big city Guangzhou as a model representing our country. At first I travelled a complicated way to get there, cause it's very far from Ukraine. I went to Odessa, then had a flight from there to Istanbul (Turkey), from there had another flight to Shenzhen, after that I made a bus journey to HongKong and finally reached Guangzhou by train. So, this is how I got here, the following part will be more interesting.

Guangzhou is a very pretty and quiet town with fabulous views and delightful places. The only problem was a large number of people everywhere. I lived in a little, but comfortable flat, which had 4 rooms. I was not alone, I shared the flat with a girl from Albena, a girl from Russia and one was from Poland. I was speaking English almost all the time. I feel that my skill to speak it has improved a lot. Perhaps my English is not so perfect, but I could easy speak with friends on different themes and we understood each other. As I was working here, almost all my days were fully planned and I even didn't have time to phone my mum or do what I wanted. By the way, difference in time with Nikolaev is 5 hours, so usually I couldn't speak with my friends and relatives. My day often started at 8 or 7 am and we finished at 8 pm. I had a lot of interesting jobs there, but mostly I liked working for different sporty or yoga clothes. I didn’t have days off there, even Sunday was a working day. But I had a 3-day holiday!!! I was so happy. I visited Canton Tower, the highest building of China. It was amazing! Its height is 600 meters, it has 111 flours, the view from there is incredible! Also I was in Chimelong Paradise, that is a big park of attractions. I had a lot of fun there. What about language, it's very funny and unusual.
To cap it all, I want to say that I liked this trip so much. And now I miss China, miss girls, miss jobs. I got such huge experience there. Sometimes it seems to me, that during that trip I got more experience, than during 9 years of studying, I mean life experience and I'm glad that I have hada chance to do something crazy like this. I hope it was not my last trip. But now I must study and I know that it will be hard to catch up with my classmates but I will try my best.