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Relationships Hotline: Diana Nedbay, 10b

Problems at Work
Diana Nedbay, 10b

As you know, I was in China this summer, but I didn't have a rest, I was working there. My mother’s agency "Legend models" found a good contract for me in Guangzhou, China. They got in touch with with the agency called "Fable models" - which confirmed me. By the way, my mother’s mother agency is located in our town, it helps youmg models in this business and which finds jobs for them. So, I came to Guangzhou. Actually I had worked not only in China, last summer I had been to in Japan and sometimes I had had jobs in Ukraine. But my last flight was to China.
What can I say about problems at work? How to solve them? How to communicate with strangers ? I will try to answer all these questions. Yeah, to have a job is igood, you can earn and spend money by yourself, you are an independent and adult person... BUT! Have you ever thought that you can have a lot of problems at work? The first problem is that you are always exhausted after job and sometimes even don`t want to do anything. If I have this feeling, I soothe myself by the thought that I will earn money, that there are a lot of jobs, that are harder than mine (for example, a miner). People always say that model's work is very easy, but they for sure haven’t tried.

As for communicating with people, we always spoke English. It was not hard for me, cause I know English well, but some girls had problems with it. But it's not the worst thing that could be. All people are different, some are rude, evil and disorganized, others are polite, honest and organized. It's the main problem. Chinese people are very disorganized. They can say that you will have a job in 5 minutes, and you have no right to be late. Also Chinese clients deceived many times. For example, a model had been working 9 hours, but her client paid only for 8 hours or something like this.To avoid this problem I pinpointed the timer and then showed it to a client. Japanese people are the exact opposite of the Chinese. They could conversely pay more than they had to. Also I had a problem, when I didn't understand what exactly they wanted of me, in this case I took initiative in my hands and did my best.

All in all, i think that these problems are not so huge, moreover I solved them by myself. And the main, that i want to say, if you really like your job, if you want to achieve success, you'll overcome any problem. Just be strong, do your best, set a goal and achieve it and you'll for sure be happy!