Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

At the doctor: Sasha Bobrova, 7c

A Day at a Strange Hospital
Sasha Bobrova, 7c

Nurse Lisa (N.L.) – Doc. Alice there are a lot of people in the waiting room: Mrs. Nett has twisted her ankle, Mr. Johns has hit his head, Mr. Ellis has broken his leg, Mrs. West has burned her hand and Nick has cut his finger again.
Doc. Alice (D.A.) – Ok. Let’s start to work, nurse Lisa please go for my medicine chest.
N.S. goes to the door but suddenly falls and cries.
D.A. – What`s the matter, Lisa are you Ok?
N.L. – No, I have hit my knee or maybe all my leg!
D.A. – Is it still painful?

N.L. – Yes! Do you scuff? I feel like I have broken my leg!
D.A. - Ok, don’t worry let me have a look. It is not a bad injury. How did it happen?
N.S. - I was going for your medicine chest, tripped on the cord and fell down.
D.A. – You should put ice on your leg immediately.
N.L. – Ok! I will put some ice on my leg and what then?
D.A. – Lisa!!! You are a nurse!!! It’s a stupid question!!!! You are not allowed to run, walk quickly or jump till your injury heals properly. But if you don`t feel better in a couple of days you must go to me and I will make you a X-ray.
N.L. – Ok! Thank you, Alice!
D.A.( to herself) – I feel that I will hire a new nurse.