Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

Role model: Maryna Ikonomu, 7A

Vladimir Aronovich Khavkin
Maryna Ikonomu, 7A

Vladimir Aronovich Khavkin is a bacteriologist, immunologist and epidemiologist. He is the creator of the first vaccine against the plague and cholera. I chose this personality because it is very interesting to learn more about the person who created the first vaccine against the plague and cholera.
His full name is Waldemar Marcus Wolf. He was born under the name Marcus Wolf in Odessa in the family of a teacher. There he studied at the hedere, then in 1879 he graduated from the Russian school in Berdyansk.
From an early age Khavkin displayed different brilliant abilities, incredible hard work, a clear direction of interest. In 1884 he graduated from the Novorossiysk University in Odessa. Khavkin was interested in zoology of protozoa. As a student, he joined the revolutionary populists circle, for which he was twice expelled from the university and was arrested.

As a Jew Khavkin did not have the opportunity to conduct research in Russia. In 1881 Mechnikov moved to Switzerland. In 1889 he became a member of the Pasteur Institute in Paris. The main focus of Khavkin’s work was to protect the human body against infectious diseases with the help of serums and vaccines. By 1892, Vladimir Khavkin created the first effective vaccine against cholera, testing its safety for humans on himself.
As the medicine had been powerless against this disease, the British government allowed Khavkin to try his vaccine in India. At the beginning of 1893 Khavkin went to India as a state bacteriologist and in a little more than 2 years he started established the production of the vaccine, the vaccination involved more than 42 000 people. As a result, morbidity and mortality of people immunized with cholera decreased tenfold. Nowadays Khavkin vaccine is used in the improved form. He has also made a great contribution to the fight against Khavkin plague
Vladimir Khavkin died in Lausanne, October 28, 1930.
I think he is a very compassionate and hard-working person. He was not afraid to test drugs on himself. It is worthy of praise. He is a role model for me.