Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

Sherock holmes club: Valeria Holmes, 11b

The Case “Scorpion”
Investigated by Valeria Holmes, 11b

The action took place in 1940 in New-York. Detective Briggs worked in the insurance company. He was considered to be responsible, quick-witted employee and he successfully investigated most of the cases.
Once he with his friends turned out to be at the performance of the hypnotist magician, who called Briggs to the stage and hypnotized him, having pronounced the code word “Scorpion”. After leaving the trance, Briggs insisted that he didn’t remember what had happened.
Several days later the hypnotist phoned Bricks and said the code word “Scorpion” and ordered him to get into the house and steal the jewelry, cracking alarm-system, which Briggs had installed himself. And the following day, without remembering anything Briggs started to investigate his own crime.

Hired private detectives investigated the crime scene. They searched the house and found a lot of evidence. Briggs was stunned when the footprints and fingerprints turned out to belong to Briggs. Experts thought Briggs was likely to have left them while searching the house. But when his purse with a photo of his wife was found, he became the main suspect.
Briggs was arrested and held in custody, but he managed to escape. He didn’t understand how it could have happened. He met with his friends and they decided to find a clue to this mysterious robbery. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was the magician again. Briggs’s friends at once understood what had happed when they saw hypnotized Briggs. One of them tried to get him out of trance. Everything was clear. The magician was caught red-handed. The police captured him and sent to the jail.