Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

Technology: Ira Dmitrichenko, 10b

Lens of Future
Ira Dmitrichenko, 10b

Not all technologies are beneficial. But I think my invention will be useful for mankind. So my invention is called the lens of the future. It will be a micro camera with a micro cheap, which will be embedded into the lens. It will be integrated directly into the lens jacket. Don't worry. It won't spoil your eyesight; therein you will continue to see as usual. “Why do we need it?”, you will ask.

The answer is here. I'm sure everyone was in the situation when we went to beautiful places, but you had forgotten a camera or you were too lazy to take it. This lens will help you in such situations. All that you will need to do is to blink. The sensor is triggered and a photo will be made. Mini adapter will be attached to the lens. With its help you will be able to upload photos to your computer. Hardcore fashion mongers should not worry. These lens will be available in every color you want. Furthermore you will be able to create your design of them.

I hope that this invention will appear in future and it will make our life easier.