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Technology: Diana Nedbay, 10b

Diana Nedbay, 10b

Nowadays events in technology are unfolding very fast. But, what are the benefits and the risks of this progress? And what is better: to live with modern technology or without it? It's very important and popular question in our time. So technology has its own pros and cons.

The main advantage of modern technology is that it makes our life easier. For example, robots and machines can do easy job instead of us. Secondly, we can find any information being at home. We use computers, telephones and it's very handy because of different apps. Thirdly, it helps us to communicate with each other from any place of the world. What is more, we have quick and easy transport. Finally, I consider, that nowadays it's impossible to survive without technology.

On the other hand technology has disadvantages too. The main con is that it makes us lazy. We think that robots and machines will do all instead of us and some people have even forgotten simple maths. Secondly, teenagers spend much time in front of their computer or other device. It's unhealthy. Thirdly, people are slowly unlearning to communicate in real life. They live in virtual reality and can only chat. What is more, in maybe hundred years everyone will be unemployed, because robots will do all the jobs. Finally, in my opinion, environment will be completely polluted.

To sum up, I want to say, that technology is here to stay and some of it is beneficial, but we have to be careful. We should use technology to make our lives easier, not let it destroy our way of life. I am a fan of technology and decided to invent something useful for schoolchildren.

Imagine, that tomorrow at school will be math test, laboratory in physics, practical work in biology and you hate these lessons, you don`t want to write these tests, so don`t want to go to school. What should you do? I found a super solution! I called it “Illness”. Actually it`s like a medicine that we usually use when we get ill, but it has opposite effect. When you take this medicine, you will conversely get ill. The more pills you take the more ill you`ll get. We have 2 kinds of medicaments. Orange pills must be used for high temperature. It consists of slate-pencil and just a bit sugar to make it tastier. Yellow pills are for getting a cold. They consist of ice pieces in mint candy (it can be “Rondo” or “Halls”). So, at first you`ll eat mint shell and then cold ice that will froze your throat. P.S. Yellow pills must be kept in a freezer. As a result, mother won`t make you go to school for a few days.