Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

Technology: Roman Schekotov, 11a

Roman Schekotov, 11a

A watch belongs to the group of items, which show status of their owner. There are many types of clocks: sundials, moon dial, electronic watch and so on. However, they use customary time system (1 day=24 hours =1440 minutes=86 400 seconds) which is common all around the world. But, sometimes people want to stand out and for these people is my chindogu-style invention.

This is a mechanical watch but it uses Buddhist cosmology time system (1 day = 4.32 billion years (in si system that’s equal to the Earth’s age). These watches are supposed to be made from gold and engraved in Buddhist style so they accentuate your status and if you are foreigner in Asian region it could help you to show your respect for Asian culture.