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Virtual tour to Britain: Nastya Grinuk, 11b

By Nastya Grinuk, 11b

True British

I hope you will agree that most people like their countries and cultures. All British people think that their country is special that is why they call it GREAT Britain. They are proud of their culture and traditions: afternoon tea at four, roast beef on Sunday, and warm beer until 11pm.


Maybe it is strange for a foreign visitor that British have two taps over a sink or washbasin. One is for washing and the other is for drinking from. British think that keeping them separate is both sensible and hygienic. Another strange thing is that British never take a shower. “Showering is not a British activity”. True British takes a weekly bath with lots of steam, melting bars of soap, toy boats, plastic ducks.


The sleep you get in GB is another interesting experience. REAL British always sleeps with hot water bottle which should have a knitted woolen “cozy” around it for extra comfort. Cup of hot cocoa, striped pajamas, bedside table with lamp and English book are important to get real British sleep.


If you are going to GB you need to learn how to apologize. Being polite and being a good guest in GB are the same things. Words which should be always on the lips of any foreign visitor are: “Sorry”, “Please” and “Thank you”. You can use word “Sorry” not only for apologizing, you can use it to calm nerves, prepare a path, excuse faults. When you say “Please” it means that you are pleasant and it’s a great pleasure to deal with you.