Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

Virtual tour to Britain: Valeriya Makeenok, 11b

By Valeriya Makeenok, 11b


There are a lot of pubs in GB, but it is hard to find an authentic, traditional British pub. You need to look for the following sings:
Low doors and ceilings, yellowish brown in colour.
Segregation of the social classes (saloon bar and lounge).
Hand pumps on the bar for `real ale`.
Pictures on the walls of 18th century gentlemen smoking clay pipes.
A middle-aged lady with dyed blonde hair and a deep voice sitting at the bar.
No children.
Enthusiastic ringing of the bell to signal `Time`.


Bedtime is very important part in British life. Before sleeping they slip a hotwater bottle into the middle of the bed, make themselves a hot cup of cocoa, or malted bedtime drink. They put on striped winceyette pajamas or a brushed nylon nightie. Then British check that they have a bedside table with a lamp, and a suitable English book. The most important thing is to make sure that the cat is comfortable at the foot of the bed.

Asking the way

The British are mostly very helpful people and they enjoy giving directions to strangers. Because of the complexities of their town these directions are not always correct and understandable. But it doesn’t mean that you should burst into tears or start waving your arms and saying ``Stop! Stop! I don`t understand. Please speak clearly in standard English without swallowing your words.`` Do not appear rude (or silly) - you should listen attentively to the native speaker WITHOUT understanding everything that is being said. The IMPORTANT thing is that YOU HAVE MADE CONTACT with a member of the British public!