Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

LOVE IS: N. Pakhomova, 11a

Written by Natalia Pakhomova, 11a

I want to tell a real love story of my parents. It was fateful attraction. My father as a child lived in Moldova and then decided to study in Nikolaev, it was real spur-of-the moment thing. My mother had been living in Nikolaev since her childhood.
At the behest of the fate they studied at the same institute, but at different departments. They were friends and had common friends. My mother didn’t perceive him as a boyfriend in the flesh, but my father fell in love ever then. He was afraid to show his attraction and infatuation, because many of his friends tried to be with my mom. He was very shy.
The fate separated them and later brought together again. They both married, but their marriages broke up and they understood that they should be together. For 10 years they have been living together and devoted to each other. Warmth and tenderness reigns in the house. Nothing is haphazard. I believe in fate and my parents, too.

What needs to happen will happen, when you’re ready for it.