Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.


Thank you, Lisa Parnak

First of all, I would like to say that it is time to take drastic measures to improve health care in Ukraine. In my opinion, the standards of health care have grown worse and worse recently. Firstly, outside cities in villages there aren’t enough hospitals, clinics and even health care workers. So, people can’t get emergency health care, so bad diseases and injuries have become a major problem. Secondly, our hospitals don’t have any modern equipment. So, sometimes doctors can’t treat patients even with routine medical problems. To my mind, if government built more modern hospitals and trained health care workers better than now, Ukrainians would be a healthy nation.

I think I am an unlucky person because I have had all imaginable problems with my health. I always get sunburnt. I have twisted my arm. I have sprained me leg. I have scratched my arm and knee. I have hurt my hand. I would like to tell how I have broken my arm.

It happened when I was 5 years old. I was in the yard and I was playing volleyball with my friends. Suddenly, I fell down and injured my arm. It was so painful! Luckily there was my dad; he took me to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, I saw a lot of patients in the waiting room. One man had twisted his ankle. One patient had burnt his hand. Somebody had hit his head. One person had cut his finger. A schoolgirl had broken her arm. When my turn came, the doctor examined me. He asked how it had happened and told to have x-ray. After x-ray he put plaster on my arm. I wore the plaster for 2 or 3 weeks, and then it was removed.

So, next time I will be more careful.