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INDIVIDUAL READING: Magnolia Buildings

Magnolia Buildings
Reviewed by Sofiya Nedbay, 8a

The title of the book I have recently read is Magnolia Buildings. 

The book was written by Elizabeth Stucley. The scene is laid at 49 Magnolia Buildings. The plot is the following. The main characters are: Ally, Doreen, Val and Len. All they live in London on the third floor of Magnolia Buildings. The characters of this book have their own interests and ambitions. Of course they make many mistakes, which are peculiar to their age. But the atmosphere of goodness, justice and mutual respect helps children to see their actions and even misdemeanors in real life.

 I read about the Berners life during the year. I know their routine household cares/solicitudes, joys and sorrows. For example Fatty Ally wants to lose weight and to become as exquisite, elegant and beautifully dressed as her favourite film stars. Val organized The Black Hand Gang to protect children in Magnolia Buildings from bullying of older boys. Doreen was preparing for the main exam “eleven and a half”. After the flu, which came in spring, mom of the children got into the hospital. So Ally must do all household chores.

If you are interest in description of routine life of common people I offer you to read this book. But to tell the truth, I don’t like such books like this. I felt bored while reading it. I like books about adventures or fantasy books, but not about simple life of people.