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DON’T BE LAZY: Take the trash out

The Boy Who Didn’t Take Trash Out
Written by Alexandra Bobrova, 8c

Once there lived a boy. He was like other boys, but he was lazy. He had never helped his mom or dad, until this happened.

One hectic day Mom came into the Boy’s room. She said that she knew he wouldn’t like to help her but this time she needed him. Mom had a lot of work this evening. She had to clean all house, cook ten more dishes, iron Father`s suit and other things. She had been cooking for four hours already and felt tired. So she decided to ask the Boy to take out trash. “Okay… I will help you, of course”, said the boy with sad face and reluctantly got off the chair. He looked at the trash and felt like thrash was looking at him too. Thrash “looked” at him with hope. “I will finish the level in my game and then take you out”, thought the boy while he was hiding the trash under his bed. But even after the Boy had promised, he didn`t take the trash out. He continued playing computer games after mother had gone out of his room.

The next day the situation repeated. Mom even praised him for helping and gave him an ice-cream. But boy didn`t want to take the trash out. He decided to eat his ice-cream first and then take TWO bags of trash out. But he didn`t. His mom thought her son had started helping her. The next day taking the trash out became his duty. But he didn’t do his work even after that. He always found excuses and rested.

A month passed. There were a lot of SMELLY, NASTY bags of trash under his bed. Boy`s room started to stink and he started to stink too. Even his house stank. Boy`s friend didn`t want to play with him because it was impossible to stand near the stinking person. Only then Boy understood his mistakes. He ran into his house and quickly threw the trash piled under his bed, away. But the nasty smell remained in the house. It was a pity but Boy wasted all his money on perfumes .Boy thought it would help. He wasted two days running around his room splashing perfumes around. At last his room and house smelt like millions of roses. This smell wasn`t perfect but it was much better than the smell of trash.

The boy got a lesson after that accident. And he got some slaps from his Mom who understood that her beloved sonny had been lying to her. Now he isn’t lazy and always helps after the house. Interestingly, but helping gives more pleasure to him than playing computer.