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DON’T BE LAZY: Water the plants

The Man Who Mixed Up Water with Chemicals
Written by Kate Korolenko, 8a

  On the edge of the little city there lived an old chemist. He lived alone. So he had nothing to do in his spare time. At last, he decided to plant houseplants. Every day in the morning and after the work he had to water his plants. At first the old man carefully looked after his plants.

  One day, the old chemist came back from the work. He was so tired, that he forgot to water his plants. The same thing happened the next day. At last the chemist had an idea – he decided to use fertilizers because then he wouldn’t need to water his plants so often. He mixed up water with chemicals and watered the plants with chemicals. So, during the week, he came home very tired and also watered flowers with chemicals.

  At the weekend he found out, that his plants were giant and they looked very hungry. One flower even tried to bite the man’s leg! The chemist hid in the garage and started looking for his lawnmower. When he found it, he destroyed all giant plants. But he felt sorry for the flowers, so he left a small sprout.

  After this adventure he started to look with what he is watering his plants. A little sprout began to grow up and the chemist was happy.