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DON’T BE LAZY: Put things in the right places

The Man Who Didn’t Put Things in Their Right Places
Written by Andrew Kikhtenko, 8a

There once was a man who lived alone in a little house in a small town. He always cooked his own dinner, cleaned the house by himself, and made his own bed.

Once he was detained at work. He came home very tired. When he came home He decided to not hang his coat. He just threw it on the floor. Then he decided to drink tea. After he drank tea he left a cup on the table. He decided to rest and watch TV. After he watched the TV he threw the remote on the floor. And so the whole evening he left things out of their places.

The next day everything happened the same way. He was very busy at work. So he came back late. And he again threw his jacket on the floor. Again he left a cup on the table. But he could not find the remote from the TV. So he just decided to go to sleep. When he came up to bed he could not find a pillow. So he had to sleep without a pillow.

It lasted a week. There was a pile of things at the entrance so it was not possible to go inside the house. He could not drink tea and watch TV. He also slept without a pillow and blankets. He could not wash properly because he did not have brushes, towels and soap.

All he had was a computer. And he had an idea. He ordered sniff dogs that track scent. All day with the dog he tried to find his things. It found only 1/4 of his missing things. So he decided to hire 2 more dogs. After 2 days he finally found all his missing things.

The next night when he came home he hung his jacket, washed the cup after he had drunk tea and put the remote on its place. And in the morning he made his a bed.