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DON’T BE COWARDLY: Go to dentists

The Man Who Was Afraid of Dentists
Written by Liza Streseva, 8c

  Once upon a time there lived a man. His name was George. He was a writer. George was the most ordinary writer but he had an unusual secret. He was very afraid of dentists so George never went to the hospital to heal his teeth.

  One day George woke up and felt that his tooth was very painful. He realized that now he would have to go to the doctor. But George was so much afraid that he decided to wait for a few days. These were 4 days. Now the unfortunate writer was sick with all his teeth. George was in despair and decided to go to the doctor at last. But then he had an idea. George was not married so the writer decided to find himself a wife dentist. “If the dentist is my wife”, thought he, “I will not be so scared.”

  The search of the girl didn’t last long and here was the relationship and the preparation for the wedding… In the end, it was 10 months later, George treated his teeth. Now George has healthy teeth and a beloved wife.