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LET’S PARTY: Marina’s birthday

The Best Birthday Party
Written by Marina Ikonomu, 8a

  I am going to tell about my best birthday party because it was the most unforgettable party I had ever had. It was my tenth birthday. I decided to celebrate it during 12 March. It was an all-day and all-night event. The party took place at my home.

The preparations took a long time. At first from 9 till 10 March my mother and I were doing the shopping in Metro and ATB. Then we started making the food. It was really fun to prepare a buffet with really delicious snacks. Then we went to the bakery to order an enormous cake and candles. I couldn’t wait to eat it. While I was cleaning the house I could smell these dishes. Also I had to put up the decorations and write invitations. So it took us 3 days to prepare for this party. When I finished the preparations I was looking forward to celebrating my birthday.

At last the big day came. I was worrying. It was the first time when I celebrated my birthday without a leader. Everything was perfect: the buffet, the music, the decorations and the entertainment. I was excited when my friends came. At first we went to the cinema. Thenwe went to my place, ate and had a lot of fun. I blew out the candles.

My friends sang the traditional HAPPY BIRTHDAY song, they wished me luck, health, strength and success. Then we put on fancy dress costumes. We were listening to music and dancing. Also we were playing party games. Then some of the guests went home. But my best friends spent with me all night.

I think it was the best birthday party in my life. We had a very good time. The memories of it will stay with me forever.