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HEALTH PROBLEMS: Julia Kolchik, 11b

Don’t Know What To Do With Constant Nosebleed - welcome to my website again

  Welcome to my website again. Let me remind you that the last articles were about burns and hiccups. You can find links in the title menu.

Today I’d like to tell you about the minor trouble, which can happen to everyone. It's not painful and sometimes you can't feel it. Yes, you guessed it right, I am going to tell you about nosebleed.

Nosebleed is violation of the integrity of the vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. This is a scientific interpretation. And for understanding something about this disease, you must learn about symptoms. Firstly, elementary symptom is bleeding. Secondly, your nose is regularly running. Thirdly, in the last case your pulse becomes weak and frequent, you can lose consciousness and wake up with a lump. What about reasons of this? The first reason is that you get infected and your runny nose did not pass long after the illness. Your nose can get inflamed and get a bit swollen if you don't cure it properly. Moreover, it can be your reaction to something allergic. In some cases people sneeze and then a desire to scratch your nose appears. Perhaps a little plus is that vomiting and peeling the skin off are inappropriate symptoms. Also the reason can be psychological health and after a nervous breakdown or rabies.

A minor trouble might lead to serious consequences. You can lose a lot of blood and it can be a signal of some kind of disturbance in your body.

What about first aid, you must stop blood as quickly as possible. If this trouble often happens to you, I advise you to see a specialist. If you can't stop your blood call an ambulance, because loss of consciousness is possible. The specialist will give you some drugs and remedies. Don't take antibiotics, aspirin, painkillers. If you have traumatized your nose and this is a reason of bleeding, your nose will be operated. All these tips will help you to recover.

All things considered take care of your health and learn to understand the signals of your body.