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HEALTH CARE: Maria Popovich, 11b

How To Be A Doctor
Written by Maria Popovich, 11b

It is true that to be treated by a good doctor is very important in our life. We know that only doctors can save our lives, help us to survive and cope with difficult situations in our life. It is clear that the doctors must be confident, respectful, empathetic, because they try to understand what we are feeling and experiencing, physically and emotionally, and communicating with their patients they understand them well. Furthermore, they have to be humane, for example, a good doctor is caring, compassionate, and kind. Also, the doctors must be forthright, because he or she tells us what we need to know in plain language and in a forthright manner.

All these features/characteristics must be possessed by every well-qualified doctor. If he won't be like that it means that this doctor is awful and it's dangerous to visit such specialist.

  But now I want to distract you and I would like to tell you one story. Maybe someone will find it funny, at the same time maybe some will think that it's a sad story. But LET'S START

  One day a woman called an ambulance.
- "Hello! I need a doctor for my husband"
- "What happened?"- asked a nurse.
- "My husband has sprained his ankle and he has a terrible pain. Can you come very quickly, please?!"- she says.
- "Of course, the ambulance has already left."

  When the doctor came, the man felt better. Then the doctor started examining the patient.
- "Good evening, I'm Dr. Collyn. Tell me please what has happened with your ankle."
- "Ok. I'm Peter Woody. I went downstairs and stumbled, then I fell down", tells the patient.
- "Oh my GOSH!!!!, said Dr.Collyn, Your last name is so amusing. It's like WOODY WOODPECKER. I cannot stop laughing."

  - Doctor, are you okay? - resented Peter, my ankle is sprained and I cannot walk.

  In 5 minutes, the doctor calmed down. He examined Peter and was ready to announce an accurate diagnosis.
- "Well, I know that you have a sprained ankle. But it is not serious. Now I'll bandage your ankle. And you must walk, because it's not a fracture. So, stand up, Peter and bring me some tea, black tea, because I am eager to have a nice cup of strong black tea now. "
- "But , doctor, I cannot"- answered Peter
- "What? you refuse to bring me tea after I helped you. It's extremely impolite"
- "But you almost did nothing, I could put on this bandage myself, I know that I have sprained my ankle"
- "Ok, I understood you. You are just an ungrateful patient, because I asked you only to bring me black tea and that's all. Good-bye, I'm leaving, there's no need to see me off.

  Sometimes our doctors can be strange. But what will we do without them? They after all treat us.