Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

HOW TO BE A DOCTOR: Anna Gaisha, 11b

From Personal Experience
Written by Anna Gaisha, 11b

 A doctor… Extremely important, the most responsible and demanding job of all times. People, whose dream is becoming a skillful specialist, spend many years to achieve their goal. Undoubtedly, we cannot help respecting people who have thousands of lives in his hands.

  Let’s talk about Ukrainian public clinics doctors. Sometimes it seems that except for chemistry and biology, they had to take «your sense of humor» tests. Yeah, you heard it right. I am convinced that doctors from our local hospitals either passed or failed this test completely, that’s why they are hired now. In fact…

I was 12 years old. Summer holidays. My friends and I were super excited about going to the summer camp in July. Two days before leaving for the camp we were spending time together, just chilling, running and jumping around and so on. To cut a long story short, I hit the corner with my toes. It did not seem that bad but when my pinky toe turned blue and green and red I thought that I was about to die. Of course, we went to the hospital immediately. The doctor was casually sitting on his chair, the nurse was literally in nirvana, and the atmosphere there was weird but relaxing. The doctor carefully touched my foot with his cold icy hands and made a professional decision to put it in a plaster. X-ray? No need, your toe is broken and that is it. Well, the fact, that he put a giant plaster from my toes to the very knee instead of bandaging my foot only, is not the main point. Frustrated and disappointed, I explained, that tomorrow I had to go to the sport camp where we would take part in competitions, swim etc. The doctor looked at me skeptically and said: “Oh well, in this case you have to learn how to run, jump and swim using crutches, huh”. The nurse burst out laughing and I left the office shocked and sad. By the way, when we visited personal surgeon, he stated that I had got a regular injury, just a bruise, but it is a different story.

  One more example, when my dad faced some problems with gallbladder. He needed a surgery to take out the gallstones. Usual thing, a little bit stressful, but everything was all right. When my mom arrived at the hospital, she asked the specialist how it was, and in response he handed her a tiny box with the gallstones and added: “Here! Now you can use them for your necklace”. Well, most likely some doctors are sure that “humor is the cure for all diseases”. Let’s trust them :)