Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
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Ira Dmytrychenko, 11b: “I think that legalization of single-sex marriages is unacceptable for our country as the rate of dangerous illnesses will rise, we will have children with inability to build relationships with another gender and a frail generation that could soon lead to the depopulation.”
Do you believe that the future is already here? Will you accept the legalization of the same-sex marriages in our country? I think that this question is quite controversial and I couldn’t come to the decision for a long time. But finally, I managed to. I am against the legalization of single-sex marriages in our country. I’d like to deal with three points in my essay to support my opinion.
The first point I would like to raise is that the same-sex marriages can lead to the serious illnesses. There are many confirmations of this. The scientists warn that that the new law will result in the normalization of homosexual sex which has already resulted in severe health risks and related costs to care for and treat persons affected by risky sexual behavior. The document, signed by doctors in different disciplines from family medicine, dermatology and neurology, warns that anal sex that is practiced by most gay men, leads to a large number of diseases associated with it, “many of which are rare or even unknown in the heterosexual population” such as: anal cancer, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cryptosporidium, Giardia lamblia, Herpes simplex virus, HIV, Human papilloma virus, Isospora belli, Microsporidia, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C and others.
To make matters worse, these diseases can soon spread to heterosexual couples. The Archives of Internal Medicine found out that homosexuals acquired syphilis at a rate ten times that of heterosexuals. The brief notes also say that “Over 70% of all AIDS diagnoses in Canada in adults over the age of 15 up to June 2004 were in homosexual men (13,019 out of 19,238).” In this simple example we can clearly see that the rate of people with lethal diseases in same-sex marriages is higher. To cap it all, the first reason why I am against of the legalization of same-sex marriages is a health factor.
Another major reason concerns the upbringing of children. The opponents of raising children in same-sex families including me believe that children raised in lesbian and homosexual families are more often seen in cross-gender behavior and cross-gender role-playing games. But it is not the main problem and disadvantage. Children in same-sex families often suffer from lack of understanding of their peers and from disapproval of society as not all people of mankind are tolerant to the "unusual" nature of their parents. In fact, you can find some examples for this in real life. What is more, in such families there is no role model of the opposite sex and children have a wrong model of the family. Accordingly, it will be difficult for a child to build a relationship with the opposite sex in the future.
My last argument also concerns children. I want to talk about children “in vitro”. We call so children, who were grown outside the mother's body, that is, in vitro. As the single-sex couples can’t have their child, they can refer to this method. Yes, maybe, it has many pros as it is a breakthrough in science. But I know a lot of disadvantages. Children, who were born in this way, have a lot of problems with their health. According to the researches, 75% of children born as a result of IVF are disabled. Scientists estimated that 10.5% of 461 children diagnosed with autism were born due to the procedure of artificial insemination. One of the diseases associated with IVF, is Angelman syndrome (defect of the 15th chromosome, causes a delay in mental development). Scientists also found out that almost 4% of children with autism were born prematurely after in vitro fertilization, and about 5% of them have low birth weight. Children born with IVF have more chances of developing some psychological problems, such as attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity, depression and alcoholism. The most common health problems of children born due to IVF are mental disorders, vision problems, asthma or allergies.
However, there are some people, who believe in correctness of same-sex marriages. It is argued that legalization of same-sex marriage will not harm the institution of marriage. Supporters of this statement say they may be more stable than heterosexual marriages. But they don’t consider that traditional heterosexual marriages can be destroyed by single-sex one. Same-sex marriage undermines the institution of marriage that has traditionally been defined as being between a man and a woman. They don’t also think that there are a lot of other people, not homosexuals, who will consider that they have the same equal rights. I mean that same-sex marriages increase the chances of leading to other unaccepted marriages and non-traditional marriages such as incest, polygamy, and bestiality.
Taking everything into account, I think that legalization of single-sex marriages is unacceptable for our country as the rate of dangerous illnesses will rise, we will have children with inability to build relationships with another gender and a frail generation that could soon lead to the depopulation.