Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS: Polina Ivanova, 8c
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 903
I think that adolescence is the most problematic age in our life. Now I would like to tell you why.
Firstly, teenagers have a lot of complexes. They are embarrassed with their appearance and ugly pimples which appear on their nose from time to time.
Secondly, teenagers have a changeable mood. They are psychically unbalanced. They feel all emotions very sharply and can easily get angry with the whole world. Every little thing can make them happy or unhappy, merry or sad, glad or angry or whatever at that very moment.
Finally, if a teenager is forbidden to do something they will definitely do it. They don’t want to obey anyone. Sometimes teenagers attempt to commit a suicide because they feel extremely unhappy with their life. It is very important for adults to be very attentive to their children, to be patient and loving parents to help them to get through this hard period of growing up.