Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

FUTURE SCHOOL: Larisa Sharapova, 9a

How Do I See the School of the Future?
By Larisa Sharapova, 9a

  I can tell a lot on this topic, though I can’t imagine what exactly will happen. But I can say for sure that for our grandparents our educational system is already something new (for example, 100% of classrooms have a computer, printer, projector or TV). Previously, our grandparents had no idea what it would be like. Well, now I can fantasize a bit and present the school of the future based on the current education system.

To begin with, let's talk about the school itself how it will look: I think even in 20-30 years children will also be studying for 11-12 years and will go to school, but something will change after all. I think that we will probably have an educational system like in Germany, that is, there are several schools there: «Gymnasium, Realschule, Hauptschule, Gesamtschule» (Grammar school, Real school, Primary school and The integrated school/Joint school). Grammar schools are the most prestigious types of institutions of secondary education (we already have it). Education in a Real school lasts 6 years, from 5 to 10 grades. The program of a real school is narrowly aimed at obtaining a specialty, all the subjects here are with a specialized bias. Primary school provides basic education, which, like in a real school, is focused on the choice of a future profession. After studying in a primary school, students usually enter a vocational school. The integrated school (Joint school) includes the main features of all the above general education institutions. In general, it is very difficult to imagine what awaits us, every day there are new reforms, laws.

Also, I often hear that instead of our sincere, living teachers there will be robots, but I think Ukraine will not be concerned with this idea any time soon. The only thing that seems to me would be great if we had an educational system like in America, that is, you have 4-5 basic, compulsory subjects, and the rest choose which ones you like, interest you or will be useful in your future profession. Finally, I think that school building will definitely change, it would be pleasant if new beautiful buildings were built for schools with large, spacious classrooms, since not all schools have them.

The future is so vague and unpredictable; it is very difficult to even imagine what awaits us tomorrow. So let's live in the present. It's nice to dream, but the main thing is not to build ghostly illusions. So now we study and live our present, and if there are any changes, then let them be only good!