Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
FUTURE SCHOOL: Polina Ivanova, 9c
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 985
It’s Very Interesting to Imagine
Written by Polina Ivanova, 9c
I want to tell you some of my assumptions about the schools of the future. I think that sometimes it’s very interesting to imagine what will happen to us or with our children and even grandchildren after 50 or 100 years. Let’s try to think what school will be like for example in 2125.
My first hypothesis is that excellent equipment will have made the process of education more effective and trouble free. For example, pupils may not carry bag at all and carry only their electronic devices for all lessons instead of notebooks and textbooks. Their class work and homework will be sent to teachers electronically. Futurologists claim that teachers and pupils will wear electronic bracelets to school without which they cannot enter their school. This will greatly increase safety at school. I also think that instead of the usual school boards there will be electronic ones on which pupils will need to write with special pencils because these boards as I think are much more practical and do not need to be wiped manually. In my opinion, it would be much more rational to divide all the desks so that only one person could sit at each desk and also separate them with small walls. It will reduce the amount of cheating. Also I assume that if a student misses school and can’t come to a lesson then s/he will be able to watch it online or on video recording.
Secondly, future schools will give students a better chance to feel less stressed and more relaxed. It will be a great idea if students have special rooms for rest. In those rooms pupils will be able to have tea or lie in a massage chair. It would be great if we had such rooms at schools. I believe that in large schools there will be special elevators resembling capsules that will take pupils from one classroom to another. Moving around the school students will get only pleasure. In school canteens each table will have its own electronic menu. If kids want to order a dish they will click on special button and food will eject on the electronic tape.
I really like to study at such a school. Of course it is possible that in 100 years’ time everyone will already be flying to school by flying cars and technologies will go far ahead. However, I consider that it is necessary to remain realistic and it is quite possible that at least some of my ideas will come true.