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FUTURE SCHOOL: Ani Kupradze, 9c

Schooling Will Change
Predicted by Ani Kupradze, 9c

  It is interesting to reflect on what the school will be like in the future. I cannot say that I don’t like the modern one at all. And yet it seems to me that once, after many decades or even centuries, schooling will change. It is difficult to imagine what our future will be like. Therefore, I want to dream about what the school will be like in 50 years’ time.

Admission and communication

A new school is a school for everyone. In any school, the successful socialization of children with disabilities, disabled children, children left without parental care, in difficult life situations will be ensured. Age, psychological, physiological features of schoolchildren will be taken into account; training at various levels of education will be organized in a new way. I think that just like today, the classes will be decorated with flowers and portraits of prominent people. During brakes, students will not cease to communicate with each other, switching to tablets and iPhones. And most importantly, without which it is impossible to imagine a school of the future - this, of course, is a teacher.

Teachers and students

I’m sure that all teachers in 50 years will pass careful interview. The students (as they all have always been different) will remain the same forever. Someone will study better, someone a little bit worse; someone will take part in recreational school events.


Of course, all schools will be fully computerized. All teachers and students will have laptop computers. All lessons will be held with 3d animation. And all students will have individual learning plans created by teachers.


They certainly will be different. Perhaps a 100-point grading system will be introduced. After all, the more grades, the easier it is for students to learn, teachers to teach, and parents to see their children learn.

The main task of the school of the future is to educate a person who can independently make responsible decisions, interact with others and self-improve whatever the future may be.