Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
WRITTEN WITH LOVE: Andrei Yelantsev, 9c
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- Перегляди: 885
My Favorite Teacher
My Favorite Teacher
Nowadays, a teacher is one of the most necessary, but at the same time the most difficult professions. I believe that a teacher is not even a profession, but a way of life. After all, the teacher lives by the fact that every day he goes to school in order to teach, to help each child find himself in this complex world. I think that Teacher should be smart, kind and strict, open and understanding. I can proudly say that there are many such teachers in my home school. But I want to tell about one teacher in more detail. Among the teachers who taught me in my school life, Gennady Viktorovich is the one I admire most. He has been teaching taught me the history of Ukraine for three years. I am very surprised at by his knowledge of history and law. I admire him, because that he is may be interested in students a person, and so that he can think multifacetedly.
I can talk about this person without stopping. He loves and knows his subject perfectly. He is always ready to help. He is not only a good teacher of history, but he also knows Law Education. With him you can have a conversation on any topic. Gennady Viktorovich always has time for students, he loves everyone equally and treats all students strictly and fairly. He is kind and strict and tries to find a compromise in any situation. When you come to him for a lesson, you yourself are charging with positive emotions. He very rarely loses his temper. He helps us find something of our own in life, find the path that will help us discover our best qualities. No one, like Gennady Viktorovich, understands the feelings and mood of the students, and therefore one can say that Gennady Viktorovich is the most understanding teacher. Sometimes we can distract ourselves from the topic, listen to stories about the modern life of our country, joke and laugh, which does not prevent us from studying new material. Gennady Viktorovich always comes to help us, he did not regret and does not regret spending his own time in order to help us.
We often we resist to getting valuable knowledge: skipping, not doing homework, being rude with teachers and doing all kinds of nonsense. After all, they, in turn, need to endure, understand and try to correct something with the help of one means - words. It will take years, much will change. I will become an adult, master my favorite profession, but I will definitely return to my home walls, I will come to the classroom, where we sat at our desks, where we learned stories and the ability to be human.