Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
CAREER PLANS: businessperson
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 855
Dasha Pavlova, 9c
As for me, at present I consider becoming a business woman. I have the first hand information about this profession as my parents, who are doctors, have shared their experience with me. There are many advantages and disadvantages to doing this kind of job. One of the main advantages of being a business woman is that I’m my own boss and for this reason I can put my projects into practice. I can get high profits. Furthermore, I don’t depend on other people but I constantly communication with them. In addition to that, I create my own schedule and work freelance.
On the other hand, there are disadvantages to becoming a business woman. Firstly, constant profit is not guaranteed. If you are somewhere away, something wrong has been done; these are only your problems and the problems of your company. Moreover, I’m responsible for the people who work for me you. Besides that, my decision is the main decision and I need to make it right. Furthermore, you can foresee what may happen in our country because the economic situation is very unstable.
Also, I know that a good professional in this sphere must be intelligent. Business woman should be always ambitious. She must be responsible for people who work with her. If business woman is confident, the company will flourish. She must be organized and have time to do all work. In any situation it is necessary to be calm. Business woman must be creative and imaginative. She has to be open-minded and knowledgeable. Boss needs to be reliable for people who work with him.
All things considered, becoming a business woman is a good idea for me as in my opinion I’m suited for this occupation. First of all, I am aware of all the risks involved. In addition to that, I am good at math, Ukrainian Language, history. Moreover, I am interested in English, Health Fundamentals, literature.