Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Liza Parnak, 9c
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- Перегляди: 1252
How To Get Rid of Complexes
By L. Parnak, 9c
Everybody knows that sport is an interesting and useful free time activity. Sport is the source of the most pleasant emotions and sensations. In the world there are millions of varieties of sports. I want to tell what kinds of sports I took up. When I was in the first form I took up dancing and I liked this, but my form mistress told my mother that I did not have time to study, after that my mother decided I had to give it up. After that, I didn’t play sports for a long time.
I took up doing pole sport last winter. From last winter till last summer I did this sport on a regular basis. But last summer I gave up doing pole sport because my coach went on holidays. And so what is pole sport? Pole Sport is a sports, gymnastic part of Pole Dance. Flags, splits, strength, gymnastic and acrobatic elements and tricks turn Pole Sport into a full-fledged sport. Also experts say that pole dance and pole sport are a type of fitness. Pole dance is quite difficult and that it is impossible to relax here. For example, if in the gym you train one muscle group, then you rest, and then you sit down and strain another muscle group, then in pole dance throughout the workout your whole body works: arms, legs, buttocks, abs, back. Because of this, even when performing some elementary movement, a load is felt. The main equipment is pylons, but for better stretching and building muscles, and for a variety of workouts, you must have additional sports equipment, such as bricks, weights, rubber bands, dumbbells, belts, ballet machines, etc. For me, the main benefit of this sport was building back muscles. Also, pole dance gives more confidence and openness, many people get rid of complexes. I think one of the unpleasant moments is the opinion of others. Some confuse pole sport and striptease, the fact is that the pole dance is a sport, and striptease is dancing near the pylon, which are not sports directions, only attributes, but the essence is completely different.
I attended the sport club “Saffari” which is near my house. This gym has several halls. The hall that I visited is equipped with a special coating, pylons and some items for stretching. A fee for 12 workouts costs 350 UAH, and for 10 workouts-300 UAH. The training sessions took place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5pm. It was possible to choose the days in which it was convenient for you to practice. It was very convenient because not all the days after school you had time for training.
Every training session was remembered thanks to by some funny situation. Training of pole dance consists of warm-up, stretching, pumping muscles, elements of choreography, and even acrobatics. Training began with a warm-up, after a warm-up, we worked out the learned element (tricks), and only after working out and refining the learned elements we were taught new ones. At the end of the training session, we did the splits and the back bridge. I do not understand how we did it all, because coaching lasted only 1 hour.
When I did pole sport I set enough goals for myself. For example, repeat the element, and then learn to perform it better. Pole sport is very deceptive, from the side the element looks simple, but when you try to repeat it ... One of my goals was to sit in the "butterfly" position and after a couple of hours and several dozen attempts, I did it. Unfortunately, I don’t do any sport on a regular basis. But I understand that exercise is necessary for health, so I attend/try not to miss physical education lessons and sometimes do fitness at home. I consider taking up pole sport again.