Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Lisa Streseva, 9c
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 948
Nine Years of My Life
L. Streseva, 9c
I have been doing sport on a regular basis for 9 years. It is dancing. Dancing is moving to the music. People dance in special rooms with special floor for dancing. For different types of dancing there is different equipment. For example, sometimes we do classic to have stronger legs. Then we need special equipment called ballet barre. Sometimes we have gymnastics days when we stretch out or work on our abs then we need carpets. Other types of dance need other equipment. Dancing trains your muscles, lungs and heart. Also it helps to lose weight. Dancing develops sense of rhythm and balance. Dancing isn`t an easy sport. If you want to dance well you must train a lot. Also you might can get a trauma. Most often dancers injure legs. I get injured very often certainly it is bad because with time I can get serious problems with legs. However, I never miss my classes even I get injured. This sport is quite annoying because dancers train for long hours.
Our ensemble has been working for 16 years. It is called THE FESTIVAL OF DREAMS. I joined this ensemble when I was in the first form and won`t give up it soon. Our dancing classes are held in the Regional House of Artistic Activities. We practice there and in winter we participated in New Year performances for children. This year we participated in them too so this is the reason why I didn`t go to school during the last week of the semester. In our dance class we have mats, ballet barre and mirrors. The fee includes only the price of stage costumes, so it isn`t expensive. Our training sessions last from 2 hour and a half (for middle group) to 5 hours and longer (for older group). Our coach is Natalia Evgeniavna. She is the Honored Dancer of Ukraine. She is a very strict coach but with her strict character we dance perfectly. The main direction of our ensemble is Jazz-modern. Also we dance directions like hip-hop, contempo and others.
We get a lot of achievements every year. This year we already got 2 first places and 1 second place. But we already have invitations for many festivals and in March we will take part in them. The first festival will be in Odessa on the 28th March so we are already getting ready for it.