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TO DO OR NOT TO DO: by Artur Shamyan, 9a
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My Sport
by Artur Shamyan, 9a
Sport is an integral part of my life. I have been doing sports for 9 years and I cannot imagine my life without sports. I started playing chess when I was 5. Now I am a professional chess player. Also I go swimming, but now I don't swim professionally. It is like an active kind of sports, which I do to improve health and to keep fit. Swimming builds stamina, and it is necessary for playing chess. Now I'm going to tell more about my favourite kind of sports.
I guess, everyone knows, what is the essence of the game of chess is. I won't waste time telling the rules of the game (it seems to be really long). I would like to tell about chess tournaments. Usually tournaments are held according to the Swiss system in 9 rounds. The winner is determined by the number of points (if a player wins - 1 point; if a game ends in a draw - 0.5 point). If there are some players with the same number of points, there are some additional indicators, such as the number of victories or the Buchholz Tie-Breaks (It's too hard).
Anatoliy Karpov said: "Chess is everything: art, science, and sport". This is an indisputable fact. Chess help me in my studying and in other kinds of mental work. Chess, like other sports, builds character. Chess teaches me to properly assess my strength, analyze, think logically, not to mention the fact that chess develops memory.
I attend training sessions at the grammar school 2. All you need for the game are a chess board, pieces and a chess clock.
I have 6 training sessions per week. A training session lasts 3 hours. During the lessons we learn the strategy, tactics and the opening theory. We often play blitz games. My couch is a FIDE master and a Master of Sports of Ukraine. He is an Honored Coach of Ukraine.
I often participate in different competitions. I can say that I do my best to show good results. Every victory is a result of effort and hard work.
To cap it all, I'd like to say, that I like professional chess. The only problem is that I have to miss school lessons, when I play in tournaments, but it is rather a local problem, and it isn't too hard to solve it. I advise everyone to play chess, and to do sports. I am absolutely convinced that sport is life.