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TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Polina Ivanova, 9c
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Sport in My Life
Polina Ivanova, 9c
Movement is an essential part of our life. Sport helps us make our life more mobile and improves our health. I tried to find myself in different sports such as figure skating, lawn tennis, badminton, folk dancing, swimming and so on. But I want to tell you some words about ballet because the beauty of this high art captivated my heart.
Millions of people all over the world enjoy and admire ballet. We know many famous ballet dancers such as Anna Pavlova, Maya Plesetskaya, Svetlana Zaharova et al. However it is very hard to become a real ballet dancer. If you want to become a professional it takes all your time because you have to spend hours and hours in dance class by ballet bar.
I joined a ballet studio when I was 6 years old. It was called Divertissement and was located near our school in Admiralskaya Str. I don’t remember how much it cost and it doesn’t matter for me because impressions are more important than money.
I had ballet classes four or sometimes 5 or 6 times a week, they lasted 2-3 hours. My coach was very kind but quite strict. Her name was Tatiana Yurievna and she paid attention to every little thing. At the beginning of the training we always made stretching, then we did the leg-split and then we learned different dancing pas.
We took part in many various concerts. We had our ballet performances in many famous theaters of our city such as Chkalov’s theatre, “Yunnost” cinema house/concert hall , Ukrainian Drama tic theatre and in other cities such as Kherson, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Lviv and abroad: Prague, Riga and Sofia. I did my best to show good results. We participated in competitions and won many grand prixes. I was really proud to know that our collective was much stronger than others but all that was the result of long and hard work.
Unfortunately I gave it up because it occupied all my free of school time and when I returned home from trainings my classmates were already ready to go to bed and I had to do HW. It was very hard for me to give up dancing but I think that it was the right decision. Now I don’t do any sports on a regular basis. However I try to have some physical exercises such as walking, riding a bicycle, going to the exercise club and going jogging when the weather is warm.
All in all, I think that sport builds our character and makes us stronger physically and morally. In my opinion it is better to pay attention to our body than to sit in front of TV or computer. I am really convinced that sport-is life.