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TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Anhelina Dikina, 9a
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Artistic Gymnastics: You Would Be Horrified by our Screams
Anhelina Dikina, 9a
Gymnastics is a really hard sport, it is not for everyone, because it requires much physical strength, stamina, purposefulness. This is the sport which needs to be practiced since childhood because when a child matures he or she loses flexibility. At a training session you can hear cries of children because it is a painful process. For success you need to have a strict or even stern atrainer. Sometimes even force is used to keep children from messing around but the result is worth it. Beautiful elements that gymnasts can do are surprising, the grace is fascinating. However, such beauty can cause many different injuries.
I have been doing artistic gymnastics for 6 years in a row and I have experience in this sport. I went to a sports school №2 at 11, Sportivna street. I was signed up there by my mother when I was four . I was trained not by an ordinary instructor but by the best trainer, by the world champion in artistic gymnastics in the times of the USSR. I attended the sports school 4 times a week and paid a fee of 200 UAH per month since it was a long time ago. For training sessions it was necessary to buy a black uniform for practicing choreography and gymnastics. In artistic gymnastic we use a ball, skipping rope, a ribbon and maces, therefore I also purchased them.
The training sessions lasted 3 hours but there was a feeling that this was eternity. It began with a warm-up, at the end of which I saw girls’ red and tired faces. After that we went to the choreography room, and we didn’t train to the music from a tape recorder, but an old little granny played the piano with her skinny fingers. Immediately after that, I took my rainbow ribbon, a shiny pink ball, blue maces and a red rope just in case and stretched. It was the worst stage of training. The boys who played football, passed by and were horrified by the screams. After stretching, we practiced performing tricks, such as back and forward coups, wheels, somersaults. There were always mats around to protect us from injuries. Of course, our coach was always there to spot us. Only after that we worked with objects.
I participated in many competitions but only in Nikolaev, because competitions weren’t held outside the city and I won the first place many times. I didn’t like when I performed dance compositions where such objects as maces and jump rope were used, because I had been mutilated many times and it is not very safe. This sport is very serious and teaches you never to give up and be on top. It teaches never to give in, go towards your goal, even kill for victory. All these qualities help me in life and I cannot cope without them.
I gave up doing gymnastics because new interests appeared, my vocation is an artist. I devote all my time to drawing, but mostly the characters of my paintings are either gymnasts or ballerinas. But still I maintain my flexibility and two weeks ago I took up dancing ballet. Of course I understand that it’s too late to become prima ballerina, but never too late to start. I almost know how to dance en pointe so success is just around the corner.