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TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Sasha Bobrova, 9c
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Art and Sport at the Same Time
Sasha Bobrova, 9c
In my entire life I have managed to give up many sport clubs, but I still haven`t found the one that would suit me perfectly. However I did dance classes on regular basis for a very long time, that`s why I want to tell you about my experience in this sport.
Dancing is art and sport at the same time, since during the dance we perform not only rhythmic, expressive body movements, but also experience hard physical exertion and tension. Usually dancers don`t need specific place for their training sessions, although different dance studios suit for such workouts best, as they are equipped with big mirrors to look at yourself while dancing and dance railings for stretching yourself. Also for various types of dance different clothing is needed. My dance direction is called content and it`s a fusion of sport dances and ballet, so we didn`t have the certain style of our wardrobe, in one day we could be dressed in tops and leggings while wearing ballet shoes but the next day we could look like hipsters. A person gets a lot of benefits from dancing classes. Regular dancing lessons will make your body slimmer, as during the workout 200 to 800 calories are burned. You can improve your lungs and heart, increase stamina of your body, clear the vessels from cholesterol. Dancing will help you to keep your back right. You will develop coordination, speed of reaction and body flexibility. The most important thing is that you`ll become sociable and confident, learn how not to be ashamed of your own body and move beautifully to music. On the other hand dancing includes a lot of risk: from injures to terribly low self-esteem. Yes, this is fact: dancing, like any other sport, includes such exercises that can cause stretching, sprains, but all this can happen only when you have already learned the basics of this art and moved to more professional level. But with self-esteem everything gets much more serious. It is possible to lose it completely under stress before the performance on stage or by humiliation from the part of the dance group and sometimes by the coach.
The club I attended in the past is called “Deep Force” and it`s located on Soborna st.6-8 in Nicolsky Posad on the third floor. I joined it three years ago. I paid 500 hryvnia for the month of classes.
My usual dance class lasted 1 hour and 15 minutes, sometimes 2 hours. I attended my training sessions three times a week. Our instructress’ name is Vika and she is the kindest dance coach I’ve ever met. She is caring and attentive to others, full of cheer and extremely interesting ideas, helps us and easily explains stuff. She is incredibly patient - you have to try a lot to get her out of mood. As I have said before Vika is very responsible, that`s why precautionary measures are above all. She pays attention even to such trifles as untied shoelaces, monitors the correctness of our tricks and complex exercises. All of this is in order to save our health. Our regular training session usually consists of 3 parts: warming-up, dancing and in the end stretching. During the warming up we do exercises and prepare our bodies for strain. Then we learn new dance moves, recall memorized dances or make our own. After dancing we relax and make different twines, bridges and stretch legs.
As for me I did my best to show good result. But I have never participated in any competitions. I think because my group and I weren`t ready for it. In spite of this fact we didn`t get upset, because there were a lot of performances and concerts in which we participated. I didn`t give up, because I believed that our group had won the highest prize – the viewers` love and delight. I gave up because our instructress went to China and also because of the neck injury. I haven`t been doing sport for 4 months due to it. However now I try my best to get back in shape. I do some physical exercises every morning and evening, they are walking, riding a exercise bike, fitness and others. At present I consider taking up some spot. I think track and field events suit me the most, as I have strong legs and motivation for new achievements.