Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.

SHOP TILL YOU DROP: Liza Halperina, 6d


My favourite store is CITRUS. It’s an electronics shop. I like it because you can buy there everything you want. It is situated in Sovetskaya Street as well. It is open all week from 10:00 am tll 20:00 pm. It offers high quality telephones, laptops of different and expensive IMacs and led watches. All goods are expensive in CITRUS. The goods are of perfect quality. In addition, there are different cases and chargers. The service is good there. There is a lot of staff. The shop assistants are polite and helpful, they always smile and are kind. There you can play on tablets PS. You can take picture on any phone.

I go there not so often. I usually buy there gadgets if I need. Last time I bought an expensive high quality, small, white Air Pods there. It cost 5000 UAH (hryvnas). I am satisfied with it because it’s practical and comfortable in use.

I like shopping and do it very often when I have free time and money.