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MY FAVOUTITE FILM: Roman Bryzhatiy, 9a

Avengers - Infinity War

The name of my favourite film is Avengers: Infinity War. This film was directed by Joe and Anthony Russo the acknowledged masters of sci-fi genre. It was released in 2018 by Marvel Studios.The cast is superb. Robert Downey Jr. ,Chris Hemsworth ,Chris Evans ,Mark Ruffalo ,Scarlett Johansonn ,Tom holand and Benedict Cumberbatch starred in this film. It was one of the greatest box-office hits. It received excellent reviews, exactly 8,5 stars out of 10 on very famous source IMDb.

I first saw this film at the movie theatre with my friend right after it was released. I really lost count of how many times I've watched it afterwards, but the truth is that I've memorized almost the entire script which is really well written by Stephen McFeely .I like this movie because it has a combination of humor, romance and suspense. Every time when I watch it, I realise that it's one of the greatest films ever made.

The plot is the following. It's classical tale about fight between evil and good. The main scenes are laid in space and on the Earth. The action takes place in 2018. The main characters are Thanos, all avengers team and all guardians of galaxy team. Thanos wants to destroy half of universe because he wanted another half of universe to live better. To destroy half of universe he must find all infinity stones. All heroes of the Earth decided to stop him. How this film has ended you’ll find out in the end of my composition. My favourite character is Thanos. He is very determined and achieves all of his aims.Thanos had a lot of obstacles on his way. However he overcame all of them. The hardest choice for Thanos was on planet Wormir where the infinity stone was. There was a keeper who kept this infinity stone. There was only one rule. Thanos had to pay a soul of the dearest person. This person was his daughter Gamora. At least he paid her soul for the last infinity stone and Gamora became dead =(. Thanos didn’t affect me. However the decision of Thanos impressed me.

The film makers created made a superb plot with brilliant characters. The unique sense of humor of the main characters makes watching great fun. The acting of Chris Hemsworth is totally outstanding. All the stuntmen performed crazy tricks. The special effects made the movie unforgettable. The action scenes were so exciting that I was on the edge of my seat. The sentimental ending when a lot of characters died, is very tragic. The aliens were so convincing – I’ve never seen anything like it before. The film is very intriguing and it kept me in suspense from the start till the end. Parts of film were so amusing that I almost jumped out of my seat. The film teaches us to value close people.

I’ve seen this movie 3-4 times. The story is excellent, the casting, the plot, the acting, the dialogues and all of other aspects of the movie are superb. The movie impressed me and became my second favourite because in the middle of this composition I realized that The Fight Club is my favourite one.


P.S. Spoilers to Avengers Infinity War. In the end Thanos killed half of universe.