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Problems Between Teens And Their Relatives
Written By Roman Bryzhatyi, 10a
As we go through life, we develop a variety of relationships - with family, friends, teachers and, later, workmates and marriage partners. Sometimes, problems that come up are of our own making, and sometimes they are out of control. It is very important to sort out these issues in time. One of the most widespread problems in family relationships is problem between teens and relatives. In this article I am going to deal with the most common issues and their solutions.
The first problem is that a lot of relatives are overprotective and care too much about their children. Because of this problem a lot of teens can’t co-exist with their parents. Teens feel really uncomfortable. The second issue is that relatives often disrespect the rights of their adolescent children. The third problem is that relatives try to prove that they are right in a conflict at any price. They always demand from teens their best in all spheres of life. Moreover, in this situation this type of relatives never notices achievements of their child and never praise them. The next type of conflict is when relatives let teen anything s/he wants and they aren’t interested in their child’s life. This type of conflict is called hidden. And the last type is when there are two or more children. The elder child feels unloved and it seems to him that the most part of love is given to their small brothers or sisters.
Why can all the mentioned issues come up? These problems come up because of some reasons. It may be different points of view on life or lack of attention. Moreover it can be excessive control of teens or problems at on parents’ work when they take it out on their children. Here are some advices for adults how to avoid these issues. You need to give teens a little bit more freedom or they will try to get it by force. Gradually let them control all important spheres of their life. They must learn from their mistakes. Also you always need to remember that sooner or later teens got through this hard stage and your relationship with your adolescent children will be good.
To cap it all, I want to say that at this age children are neither small nor adult and they have the right to demand to be respected and their interests must be respected.