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Why Does Friendship End?
Written by Ani Kupradze,10c
People have been trying to define the word friendship for a long time. Friendship is, first of all, the similarity of views and thoughts.
Between friends there is no place for envy and rivalry. Only a true friend will rejoice for another as well as for himself. But friendship is a fragile crystal bowl. It must be protected from careless insulting words, from outbursts of irritation and anger.
It is important to remember that friendship can end, and you need to be able to let go of old friends. Any relationship ends, and friendship is no exception. It is necessary to internally release classmates with whom our interests no longer coincide, a friend with whom life has divorced us. Mentally say to a former friend: “Thank you. Our friendship was pleasant, but our paths diverged. For all the time that we were friends, thank you. All that I gave you, I gave sincerely. Thank you. Goodbye".
But let's try to figure out why it all ends?
1 - Most often, when a person grows up or changes, his environment is also updated. He is bored and uninterested in communicating with the past circle of acquaintances: common themes, outlooks on life disappear. Then he searches for more suitable interlocutors who can teach new things or keep up the conversation.
2 - Even in the modern world friendship can break the connection. In most cases, this is not due to the loss of addresses or phones. People forget to call back. Once, then a second. Then they call only on holidays. After - even less often.
3 - Friendship is built on trust, sincerity and mutual understanding. If something is missing, then the spiritual connection, intimacy is lost. A person shies away from answering questions, becomes secretive and suspicious. Can cheat. And more than once. Everyone lies. But the deception is different. However, if it affects the lives of others, their values and feelings, then such a friend is unlikely to want to see.
That friendship has become obsolete, no one is to blame. If you no longer enjoy communicating with an old friend, then communication should be stopped or limited as much as possible. From the fact that you support friendship “though I don’t want” - it will not get better either for you or for another person. Appreciate your time and vitality, spend it only on those people who are sincerely interested in you.