Блог учителя англійської мови Скорнякової М.Є.


Written by Andrey Kihtenko, 10a

  There are many problems in relationships and their solutions. I think the most important problem is the exaggerated high self-esteem of your partner. I will try to tell about this problem on the example of a girl with too high self-esteem.

She loves to dramatize everything. Such a girl cannot live a day without hysteria. In normal and calm relationships she becomes bored. She is not interested in living like all typical lovers; she begins to look for reasons to argue about something.

She thinks she is the best. She behaves terribly with strangers or with service staff. It is one of her most striking qualities in a girl. She thinks that you must satisfy her whims. The more time passes, the worse it will become. Whims will be daily, and she will demand a lot. As a result, you have to deal with the forever unsatisfied girl and scandals. Such girls do not know the word "we". They only know the "Me".

You do not have much in common. Perfect lovers need to aspire for the same things, have the same views on basic things. Couples who share common hobbies, plans, and interests are happier together. But a girl with high self-esteem only thinks for its own interests.

You need to be ready to let go of the relationship. Of course, you need to give a chance to the relationship and try to restore it before making such serious decision. If you understand that your girlfriend is constantly doing things that you don’t like, it’s better to end such relationships and not to torture each other. Sometimes parting is the best decision you can make.