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The Problem of Heartbroken Boys
Written by Artur Shamyan, 10a

You are rejected by your girlfriend? She has told you she doesn't want to be with you anymore? You feel alone, unwanted, miserable, right? So, you’ve made the right decision to approach me. This is my attitude towards your issue.

I would like to give you some very useful advice, which will help you to go through the rough patch.

    • Firstly, remember, that you are not the only one, who faces this problem. Almost each man at least once ran into it. So, it is a necessary experience for you. It's an important part of your growing up. After you sort it out, you will become emotionally stronger.
    • If you are to blame, you should apologize, if it is not your fault, then follow the next advice.
    • Respect yourself! "No" means "No". Don't waste your precious time annoying her with your messages.
  • Don't consider doing anything impulsive. You will regret it. Let your emotions quiet down.
  • Remember: she is not the only one, who likes you. And here it will be very useful to use affirmations. Affirmation is a sentence, or a few sentences, that you speak aloud (when nobody hears, of course), and when you start to believe what you say, it motivates you. For instance, you say: "I will achieve everything I want. I am handsome, clever, strong and charismatic. And damn it, people like me!" If you believe it, you will behave appropriately and your thoughts will materialize. It will help you to be much more self-confident and come up smiling.
  • The next advice tells you just to wait. In one month your feelings and emotions will subside.
  • You will not believe, but you are very lucky! You probably think "What? I have just broken up with my girlfriend! What are you talking about?" I know, but just bethink, how much time you used to spend being with her and dreaming about her? Almost all your time, right? And now look, you are free! You can focus on your business; you are much more productive now. So, enjoy it.

Even if you feel heartbroken now, remember than any experience is precious and behave like a decent man.

  • Don't say bad things about your ex-girlfriend, as is customary, if she didn't do anything really bad for you (of course, except that she broke your heart). Don't be like others. Be a MAN. If you respect yourself, you must respect your own choice.
  • Don't forget all the good and pleasant moments of your affair. There are probably some moments, that you should remember all your life. Don't reject it.

So, I hope this advice will help you to get over your problem. Remember the main one: analyze your mistakes. Try to understand, what you did wrong. And make a conclusion about your role in those relationships. It will help you not to get your fingers burnt in future.